Friday, October 23, 2009

doughnut to Download to Dunlo-pillo

Today after work im going to punggol for a sleepover.
Eh, Wats se minit..! Did i just mentioned that in the previous entry? Nway, later lunch i'm going buy doughnuts. So i made a call to the husband - here goes...

Me: Yang! nanti yang nak doughnut aper? (what doughnut do you want?)
Mr Enell: Download?!! Download aper??! (download? What download)
Me: Eh doughnuts lah! Eehh, pekak nye!
Mr Enell: Oh, Doughnuts.. the normal one ah..


My sweetest husband hearing is so becoming the itchyness of me!
Luckilly, he never say DUNLO-PILLO.. the famous pillow!

*save me from more mis-hearings...*

Love you, sweats!
Eh, sweets...