Miss these gerls of mine =D
The bag is packed - i'm ready to go..
Tomorrow after work, off i go to Punggol to meet them!
Me and sis decided to have a mini dinner celebration for them as they turned 9 mths!
Time flies so fast.
They were born 1 month before my wedding. However, i was very excited on their arrival than of my wedding itself. By right they are to be out on the day after my wedding
However, they decided to be good girls and came out earlier. I still remember feeding my sis chocolate and 5 mins later, i can feel her tummy being kicked by the 2nd triplet. She loves chocolate too i guessed.
The trips i had to make daily from work to NUH, then only being able to see 1 of them in ward as the other 2 were in ICU as they did not weigh 2kg - the weight good enuff for them to be out. The youngest one was the longest in ICU, however now she is the strongest and most active of all!
I remembered showering sis with emotion care and support while she was down as she missed her baby at ICU, help to burb the baby even though they were tiny and i very the scared to hold them, and also accompany her to Jurong Point 24hr NTUC to buy tins of milk for the girls as their milk supply was low. We went out at 130am! Oh my goodness!
It was kind of dejavu as when we were teenager, i did the very same thing for my sis. Instead of milk we were to buy sanitary pads at 7-11 West Coast. Two of us going out near 2 am, whereby that area is full of drug addicts! When the mum found out, we were blasted real bad but the dad got blasted worse for letting us go out in the first place.
Haha.. Memories!
Now time past by, the gerls are very much growing too well =D
Let's spot the difference, shall we?
Them on the day they were to be operated. I was imagined how can it fit 3 babies in there? When i followed to the scanning and saw them moving inside, its a miracle feeling!
After the successful C-surgery, out came Nur Adawiyah, the eldest girl.
Then Nur Jannah, the one who kicked when i fed the mother chocolates
and lastly, Nur Sarah
When they were around 3 mths,
When they were 5 mths
See how they've grown..
Now they are ready to show us their talent..
heh, talent of crawling, clapping, blabbering and snatching everything on sight including hair!
Happy 9mth dearest gerls, Mak Adek love you all equally.
See you besok for party k!
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