I will try to be a good blogger and blog often.
Now that i can access and do mobile blog from my ever trusted Renoir.
Blogging should be duck chicken feet, y'all!
As starters, what shall i blog?
Hmmmmm ..
Aiyah its just going to be 3rd week of Hari Raya so shall blog about my raya house visit yesterday.
Those who are surprised of now still being Hari Raya - Dont be. It lasts for 30days - so muslims have 30days of celebration since we detox ourselved for 30 days. Almost all lah, ladies dont play cheat! Miss P does dropped by right? so go pay back early else it be a dragging chore to payback.
Payback IS ALWAYS NEVER easy!
Im paying back my dues together with 'puasa enam' . Great so its a Two-in-One, except after this i hope to be doing fasting every Mondays and Thursdays to payback those -oh-i-lost-count-how-many-days-i-missed-fasting days.
Back track now.
Yesterday me went raya visiting to my Father-in-law(FIL) uncle house. Actually he is younger than the FIL, but since he is born way after teh FIL his ranking is HIGH. haha.. Malays like to go by ranking you see not by age numbers. Let's call him uncle Hussein. He is one damn funny guy. Just like his dad.
Dont believe me?
See for yourself the funny guy in those klasik filem drected by Shaw Brothers is his dad.
S Kadarisman
Ingat tak nie siape?
Tak *shake head*?
Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.
Go buy DVD Tiga Abdul. Dia saudagar patung boneka..
Kenal sekarang? Hohohoho.. Okay since i was finding his photo, i saw aome interesting fact about him.Story of his son house visit comes later okay. We make way for the late great actor.
His full name is Shahadat Kadarisman. Born in Indonesia, Pulau Jawa to be exact. He used to be with the Malayan Royal Naval Volunteer and had his part in the World War II. To know more about him, visit http://www.sinemamalaysia.com.my/artist/info/?id=Shahadat_Kadarisman_3744 . Found the very same photo of his at his son house.
His son - Hussein inherit his genes. He is funny but kelakar seram punya. And half of his words you will be left figuring out whether what he says is truthful or not. But surprisingly, he is a teacher not an actor. He lives with his wife and elder sister. The sister does have similar face like the late father.
I say i want to be a good blogger and see i've done it. During lunchtime somemore..
Hoho.. before you praise me DONT. I did not forsake my lunch so that i can blog.
Real Reason?
I'm paying back my fasting dues.. Remember? Go read on top!
Make it two reasons,
Its dark outside and im lazy to go out in the wet weather. But im chilling cold here.. Brrrrrrrrr
Okay today blog done-ed.
Now i can go masak masak at my Cafe world in Facebook world. It's so addictive.
You got cafe too? Come be my neighbour and we can help each other masak masak!
: P
Hate those flies circling my cheeseburger after its ready and left on the stove for only 1 day..
Basi still can serve what.!
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